A supporter of Barack and change not bound by the constraints of our broken political system.

Friday, July 4, 2008

On Balance ... Creative Sprit and Government

The ultimate genius of America is balance.

Balance between
its philosophies,
its agencies of power,
its parties.

Oddly enough, that genius is sometimes sustained by the ignorance of its dominant political parties.

It's the ignorance that makes the party on the right always believe three competing companies building subways in New York City is a good thing,
Thinking that the market will ensure transportation for all in the city.

It's the ignorance the makes the party on the left that think companies that compete to build subways is pure folly,
Thinking that the government is the best agent to provide infrastructure that can enable many more companies to thrive and grow,
Using those subways to feed more "sensible" competition above street level.

This ignorance, that both parties often possess ... is that success stories in America often have two factors.

The first is the creative spirit of man ...
In that America empowers bold people to create bigger and better things (i.e. to develop and sell new trains).
That only some innovators will succeed in any market.
That fewer still will come to dominate a market and
Be defined by the People of America as winner for a day (i.e. iPod).

The second is that until there was an American government, the creative power of man was never free. That is America was first and best in creating
A government where man declared himself free not to follow any king or company,
A government that enabled man to create, own and profit from property,
A government that ultimately declared no man or woman property,
A government that was empowered by its people to enforce real fairness of competition,
such that whomever built yesterday's winning product, would never gain the power to impede the invention or inventor of tomorrow's vital solution.

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